Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Group Projects

Here in the Education Department group work is highly prized and often built into our course work. Over the last year, I've been fortunate to work in several groups, but one that was particularly successful. Together we have have written conference papers, traveled, and most importantly, still able to work with one another.

For out final project in Second Life, we are working in teams developing instructional modules. In this, I've had the opportunity to work with a new teammate, and I feel that it has been a great learning experience. In every group, there's always going some differences. From this experience, as well as groups prior, I've decided to create a list of characteristics that make good groups:

- Clear and constant communication
- Everyone participates
- Spending time together outside of projects (making personal connections)
- Establishing deadlines

Any others missing?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree whole heartedly with your group characteristics. One thing I would add is that inclusiveness be added.